Bay Area Sea Level Rise;
Installation Mock Up designs and maps
Goals of the Installation; A Walk Through Time
Inspire a new awareness of time and how it influences the Bay.
Promote a sense of place; within a dynamic landscape.
Encourage a sense of agency; amid rapid and dramatic change.
8 Components
2 Animated Projections of Sea Level Rise Maps.
2 Digital Interactive Screens exploring past-present and present-future wetlands.
1 Hand-Painted Mural Timeline of Sea Level Rise 18,000 years ago to end of the 21st Century.
2 (maybe more?) Artistic Prints of Wetland Ecosystems, Restoration Case Study.
Audio sequence of interviews of people around the Bay considering Sea Level Rise in their communities.
Bay Area Sea Level Rise (Ice Age to Present Day) CENTRAL PROJECTION (4'x6')------SIDE 1
Minimal basemap with transparent mask of current Bay Area shoreline.
Major cities pop up for orientation.
Rising seas from glacial melt flood the SF River Valley. (4x), then fade out.
Need to redesign time stamp. Not as a counter? Eras?
Bay Area Sea Level Rise (Present Day to 2100) CENTRAL PROJECTION (4'x6')------SIDE 2
2 ft Sea Level Rise, end of century. NOAA Coastal Services Center, "Coastal Viewer".
6 ft Sea Level Rise, end of century. NOAA Coastal Services Center, "Coastal Viewer".
Minimal basemap with current infrastructure, places of interest.
2ft and 6ft projections from Climate Central Surging Seas. (Or more graduated "steps" of sea level inundation).
Wetlands of the Past (1850 - Present Day)
Interactive Screen 1: Crossfade
Wetlands of the Future (Present Day - 2100)
Interactive Screen 2: Crossfade
Present Day Wetland extent, wetland conversion types: Diked Wetlands, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration
Projected Tidal Wetland extent, 2100, high scenario (5.41 ft)
Questions for Interactives
Basemap design and development environment considerations.
Data complexity of Present Day Wetlands (focus on tidal wetland extent only or include wetland conversion to diked habitat, salt ponds, bay fill?)
Focus on South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project as an "Adaptation Case Study".
Artist Sketches/Prints:
1) What Are Tidal Wetlands?
2) South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Case Study
Thank you for your feedback!